300 Support Groups and Decampees Declare Support for Admiral Usman Jibrin in Lokoja Led By Dr. Fred Attah

Unified Front Grows Stronger as Diverse Groups Rally Behind Admirable Candidate

2 minutes read

Lokoja, September 23, 2023 – In a show of unprecedented unity and political fervor, 300 support groups and a significant number of decampees have declared their unwavering support for Admiral Usman Jibrin, as he vies for a prominent political position in Lokoja.

Amidst a backdrop of escalating anticipation for the upcoming elections, this convergence of support from a wide range of groups reflects the rising popularity of Admiral Jibrin and the belief in his leadership capabilities.

Admiral Usman Jibrin, a decorated military veteran and seasoned politician, has been a prominent figure in Lokoja’s political landscape. His track record of service, discipline, and dedication has earned him a loyal following, and this latest wave of endorsements further solidifies his position as a formidable contender.

The 300 support groups, each representing diverse segments of the community, have cited various reasons for their endorsement. One common theme is Admiral Jibrin’s commitment to improving the lives of the people of Lokoja. His comprehensive policies addressing education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic development have resonated with a broad spectrum of the electorate.

Dr. Fred Attah, the Chairman/Spokesperson for the coalition of support groups, expressed their collective decision in the following words: “We believe in Admiral Usman Jibrin’s vision for a prosperous and inclusive Lokoja. His unwavering dedication to our community’s well-being is evident in his track record. We are confident that he possesses the leadership qualities needed to steer our beloved city towards a brighter future.”

In addition to the extensive support from local groups, a significant number of political decampees have also joined Admiral Jibrin’s camp. These individuals, who were previously affiliated with rival political parties, have cited their faith in his ability to transcend party lines and unite the city behind a common purpose.

Admiral Jibrin, while expressing his gratitude for the overwhelming support, emphasized his commitment to a campaign built on unity and progress. He said, “I am truly humbled by the trust and confidence placed in me by these support groups and decampees. Our campaign is not just about winning an election; it’s about forging a better future for Lokoja. Together, we will work tirelessly to address the challenges facing our city and unlock its full potential.”

The declaration of support from 300 groups and the influx of decampees have injected new energy into Admiral Usman Jibrin’s campaign. As the election season unfolds, all eyes will be on Lokoja to witness the momentum behind this formidable candidate and whether he can translate this unified support into a victory that will shape the city’s destiny.

The upcoming elections promise to be a defining moment in Lokoja’s political history, and Admiral Jibrin’s candidacy has certainly become the focal point of a city yearning for positive change and progress.

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