NAPTIP and DSS Rescue 6 Pregnant Girls in Abia, Arrest Baby Factory Owner

by Ohepo Ohepo

Umuahia, Abia State – Chinyere Nkwocha, a 63-year-old woman, has been apprehended for running a baby factory in Umunkwa village, Umuafai Ndume Ibeku, located in Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State. The operation was uncovered by the Department of State Services (DSS), Abia State Command, and the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP).

The raid led to the rescue of ten victims from the illicit facility. Among the rescued were seven young girls, six of whom are pregnant, a lactating mother, and two boys who are minors. The victims ranged in age from one to 24 years.

The suspects and victims have been transferred to NAPTIP’s Abia State Liaison Office for further investigation and necessary action. The Director-General of NAPTIP, Prof. Fatima Waziri–Azi, voiced her concern over the rising trend of baby factories and the trafficking of babies across Nigeria.

Prof. Waziri–Azi highlighted the disturbing increase in reports and public outcry concerning the sale of babies and the existence of facilities that exploit young girls. These operations typically involve recruiting men to impregnate these girls and then selling the babies after delivery. She noted that such factories operate covertly, preying on the desperation and vulnerability of unsuspecting victims, often luring them with promises of financial gain or false assurances of care and support.

In a statement released by NAPTIP’s Communication Officer, Adekoye Vincent, Prof. Waziri–Azi commended the DSS Abia State Command for their successful operation. She urged the public, especially parents, to be vigilant and protect their wards from falling prey to such crimes.

She also called for increased community collaboration with law enforcement agencies to combat human trafficking. Prof. Waziri–Azi encouraged individuals to report any cases of human trafficking to NAPTIP through its toll-free number, 0703 0000 203, or short code 627 (available on MTN and AIRTEL networks).

The arrest and subsequent rescue operation highlight the ongoing efforts by Nigerian authorities to tackle human trafficking and dismantle baby factories, aiming to protect vulnerable individuals and uphold human rights across the country.

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