N83 Billion Fraud: Drama As Lawyer Dumps Yahaya Bello, Withdraws From Case

by Ohepo Ohepo

Legal Drama Unfolds: SAN Withdraws from Yahaya Bello’s Case

A Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Adeola Adedipe, has applied to withdraw from representing former Kogi State Governor Yahaya Bello in a high-profile money laundering and misappropriation case.

EFCC Pushes for Lawyers’ Punishment

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) urges court to dock lawyers for allegedly failing to ensure Bello’s appearance in court, citing breach of professional conduct.

Tension in Court: SAN Denies Undertaking to Ensure Bello’s Presence

Adedipe, SAN, disputes EFCC’s claims, denies making any undertaking to secure Bello’s attendance, and asserts lack of awareness regarding the former governor’s whereabouts.

Legal Standoff: EFCC Opposes Withdrawal, Calls for Disciplinary Action

EFCC maintains withdrawal attempt by Adedipe, SAN, is belated and seeks disciplinary action to uphold judiciary integrity amid ongoing legal standoff.

Court Yet to Decide: Judge Contemplates Next Steps in Controversial Case

Trial Justice Emeka Nwite deliberates on the complex legal ramifications, balancing the interests of justice and legal ethics in the high-profile case.

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