Public Notice : Illegal and Fraudulent LinkedIn Account Operations by Unscrupulous Person(s) In The Name Of Engr Shehu Hadi Ahmad

1 minutes read

This is to notify the general public that a “LinkedIn Account” has been created in the name of Engr. Shehu Hadi Ahmad , the
Executive Secretary, Federal Capital Development Authority by some unscrupulous person(s).

They are using it to solicit the co-operation of the public for execution of contracts in his office.

Please be informed that those posts purportedly for procurement exercise are not from the office of the Executive Secretary, Federal Capital Development Authority.

According to Engr Shehu Hadi Ahmad, the
Executive Secretary, Federal Capital Development Authority ” my office has a clearly defined procurement process, so I cannot on my own request for tenders/award contracts on the social media. Kindly disregard any requests for such as emanating from me on the social media. ”

He also Said ” this is designed to defraud unsuspecting members of the public. I have reported this to the security agencies and investigations are underway. Don’t fall prey to scammers. ” he added

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