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Famous Conjoined Twin Abby Hensel Is Now Married To One Man

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Married, Abby Hensel first came to notice on television as the conjoined twin of Brittany.

When Abby and Brittany, then about six years old, made an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1996, they first came to the notice of the general public.

The twins were featured in the TLC reality series Abby & Brittany when they turned twenty. The show followed the twins as they left college and entered the workforce.

After ten more years, Abby is now wed to Josh Bowling, a veteran of the US Army and nurse.

On the Hensels’ joint Facebook profile, the pair is featured with Brittany in a photo that looks to be from their wedding. Bowling is dressed in a white suit, while the twins are clothed in white dresses.

Even though the couple’s marriage was only recently announced, Today was able to obtain public papers that showed they were married in 2021.

The sisters grew up in Minnesota, where Brittany, Abby, and Josh currently reside. It is reported that the twins are fifth-grade teachers.

Josh is a “Christian, Father, Husband, Veteran, and Occasional Gamer,” according to his X account.

Abby and Brittany share all organs below the waist and a bloodstream as dicephalus conjoined twins. Brittany is in charge of their left limbs, while Abby is in charge of their right arm and leg.

In the debut episode of their reality TV programme, the twins said that since their birth, people had been “curious” about them.

However, our parents never permitted us to make such a claim. They remarked, “We were brought up to think that we could accomplish anything.After three years together, the pair still looks happy in pictures of them hiking, travelling, and generally having a good time.

Given that there was minimal likelihood of both twins surviving, Patty and Mike, the parents of Abby and Brittany, eventually chose against having the twins separated at birth.


In the documentary Joined For Life (2003), which starred Abby and Brittany, Patty acknowledged that her kids wanted to be mothers themselves someday.

“That is probably something that could work because those organs do work for them,” she stated.

At the time, Brittany expressed their aspirations for the future by declaring, “Yeah, we’re going to be moms.” We haven’t yet considered how being mothers will go.

“But we’re just 16 — we don’t need to think about that right now.”

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