Bandits Release 40 Abductees in Niger State

by Ohepo Ohepo

Kuchi, Niger State – June 12, 2024: In a development that underscores the continuing insecurity in Niger State, bandits have released 40 out of 150 individuals abducted three weeks ago in Kuchi, Munya Local Government Area.

According to sources within the community, the release was secured after families and friends of the victims contributed funds to meet the ransom demands of the abductors. The payment included six Honda motorcycles, each valued at approximately 1.2 million naira, and an additional 2 million naira in cash.

A reliable source from Kuchi, speaking to a journalists on Tuesday, confirmed that while 40 villagers, primarily women and children, have been freed, 110 individuals remain in captivity. Negotiations for their release are ongoing, with the bandits demanding another set of six motorcycles and an additional 2 million naira for the release of the next group of 40 hostages.

Community leaders continue to engage with the bandits in an effort to secure the release of the remaining abductees. The situation remains tense as families hope for the safe return of their loved ones.

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