Bandits Demand N20 Million Tax from Benue Community, Threaten to Wipe Out Entire Population

by Ohepo Ohepo

Benue State, Nigeria – In a desperate bid to meet the demands of local militias, residents of Torough community in Ukum Local Government Area of Benue State have begun selling their farm produce and livestock. The community has been ordered to raise N20 million or face severe attacks from the bandits.

According to sources within the community, the militias have issued an ultimatum for the payment, compelling households to contribute a minimum of N50,000 each. The fear of potential violence has gripped the village, preventing anyone, including the village head, from reporting the matter to security forces.

One anonymous source explained, “The money has been divided among households, and each must contribute at least N50,000. Some residents are selling their farm produce and livestock, while others are seeking help from relatives outside the community.”

Another source confirmed that local government authorities are aware of the situation. Ukum LGA has long been a hotspot for criminal activities, including killings and kidnappings. Notable victims include the state Commissioner for Information, Culture, and Tourism, Matthew Abo, and former local government chairmen.

Victor Iorzaa, chairman of the local government, acknowledged the situation and revealed that a notorious militia leader known as Full Fire is behind the extortion. Iorzaa has reported the matter to the police and the state security council.

“The report is true, and Full Fire is responsible. He has been collaborating with Fulani herders to terrorize the area for the past five years. Two weeks ago, the military launched an attack on his house. The community lives in constant fear,” Iorzaa stated.

Despite the chairman’s efforts to involve security forces, the state Police Public Relations Officer, SP Catherine Anene, claimed that the command had not received any reports regarding the incident. Similarly, the Security Adviser to the Governor, Joseph Har, expressed skepticism about the bandits’ ability to collect taxes from villagers, citing the government’s recent crackdown on criminal activities.

Har emphasized that the administration of Governor Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia is committed to combating crime in the state. “The issue of illegal levies by bandits is a global problem. However, an irresponsible government would allow such practices to continue. We are making significant strides in curbing these bandits’ activities, and they are currently on the run,” Har asserted.

The residents of Torough community continue to live under the looming threat of violence, struggling to gather the demanded sum in hopes of averting an attack. The situation underscores the ongoing challenges of insecurity in parts of Benue State.

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