Confusion Arises as Man Who Caught His Wife With Her Boss is Found Guilty of Stalking

2 minutes read

A former Merseyside police officer, Gavin Harper, 45, has narrowly escaped jail time after being found guilty of aggravated stalking involving his estranged wife, Stephanie Glynn, 40. The incident that led to Harper’s conviction occurred on February 16, 2021, when he discovered Glynn and her lover, Andrew McLullich, 42, also a police officer, in a compromising position in a car park in Birkenhead, UK.

Harper, who had secretly installed a tracking device on his wife’s car, recorded the couple, who were partially undressed, with his mobile phone. During the confrontation, he was heard shouting accusations and claiming he had captured evidence of their indiscretion on film.

The court heard how Harper’s actions were part of a broader pattern of behavior from December 2020 to February 2021, where he obsessively monitored Glynn’s movements and communications. His actions included secretly bugging her car, listening to her conversations, and taking her phone without permission.

While Harper was acquitted of assault charges against McLullich, claiming self-defense during the altercation, the stalking charges were upheld. Harper defended his actions in court by stating his intention was to gather undeniable proof of the affair to report two serving officers for having an inappropriate relationship during Covid lockdown restrictions.

Judge David Potter of the Liverpool Crown Court handed down a two-year suspended sentence, taking into consideration the impact imprisonment would have on Harper’s elderly parents and youngest son. Harper’s defense argued that jailing him would lead to severe personal and familial hardships, as he was the primary caregiver for his parents and his incarceration would force his son to abandon his university studies.

Judge Potter reprimanded Harper for his actions, describing them as “rash, foolish, selfish, and unprofessional,” which were intended to cause maximum distress and embarrassment to the involved parties. However, the judge also acknowledged Harper’s previous military service and the PTSD he suffered, which contributed to his mental state during the commission of the crime.

The case has highlighted the personal and professional repercussions of Harper’s actions, not only affecting his own life but also casting a long shadow over the lives of those involved.

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